Friday, April 24, 2009


Sista Sista msn me wor..

Been a long long time..

CrYsTaL- InSoMnIa...我情願我狠心憎你 我還在記憶中找你 says:
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
CrYsTaL- InSoMnIa...我情願我狠心憎你 我還在記憶中找你 says:
what job interview are u going for
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
CrYsTaL- InSoMnIa...我情願我狠心憎你 我還在記憶中找你 says:
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
CrYsTaL- InSoMnIa...我情願我狠心憎你 我還在記憶中找你 says:
then hows life so far ?
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
so far so good?
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
what about you?
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
how about you?
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
and how is athen?

You have just sent a nudge.

CrYsTaL- InSoMnIa...我情願我狠心憎你 我還在記憶中找你 says
like tat
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
how how?
Bitch For What You Want To Bitch Cus In De End,You Are Jus A BITCH says:
Good or bad
CrYsTaL- InSoMnIa...我情願我狠心憎你 我還在記憶中找你 says:

ZZZZZ hahaa lol...peng..

Go for job interview now..cya

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Now i am at my friend's working place @ Tradehub.

Early in the morning,went to Yang Wei's home to swim @ West Coast.
After which, went to meet Yan @ Town.
Slack the whole day at town area.

Evening time,left Yan to meet Eugenia to go Dbl O.
I go take bus no 105 to Trade Hub area the Chervons for Chalet.

Ate and drunk vodka wit orange,Red Label with 7 - up.
The time is midnight then wait for Jerry to come,fetch others to club.

They go to Zouk,i go home and send Jeffery back to TPY.
While waiting for my dad,i go to Jeffery's wkin place use net.

Got to go le..Dad is here..

Friday, April 17, 2009

My mum woke up @ 6am do abit of house chores.
Asked me if i got sleep,i told her that i slept 2 hours.

But actually i did not sleep.Surf the net the whole nite.


Then my mum told me that someone died downstairs.
And there police around.

I quickly go take pic of it and shall load it right now before i sleep.




Thursday, April 16, 2009

Last Day @ Work

Yesterday was last day @ work.

After work went to town to find :

Jia Le

Took pic of myself as usual... :

Went to Dbl O,from HMV walked to Dbl O.

6pm to 8pm - $10
8pm to 10pm - $18
10pm onwards - $25

Faster go get the $10 de.cheapskate.
After which,went to eat mee soto,very the old school.


Slack awhile more then the girls to get chop as whole day free.
Then there a big bomb,girls after 20yr old then can enter.Sian.

Deirea haven 19 yet and some more must be 20 yr old.
So deirea went to Rebel with Kenneth.

The rest of us went to Dbl O and dance.
Song haven started,stupid serene drank 7 shots.
Her target is 20shots.

She kept crying saying I am Sad,Help me,Help..
I was like huh..then create a nuisance at Dbl O.
In the end,kena drag out haha.

Took few pics of her dunken looks :

The on the Bed Pose

OH YES!!! Pose..So Wrong..LOL..

FHM Posing Style

Sadako Style

We cared for her,she told us to fark off.
We put her in the cab and off she goes alone.

The rest of us took 2 pics asking someone to take for us:

Gina,Yan,Qunnie,Jia Le,Wilson,Me and Alvin

Gina,Yan,Quinnie,Jia Le,Wilson,Alvin and ME..

And the girls bitching about what panties they wearing..

P. Carddin..

In the end is Quinnie show her Asset of Anorexic :

Went back to club and continue dancing...
Took pics again the interior of Dbl O...

Play Snooker?

Live Band

Smoking Corner

Let's Drink..

Saw April and took pics with her

Dancing happily with the rest..
Cause the music is like Play..House Music..!!! OMG!!!

Dance Happily,went to the toilet and saw 3 things..
Guess what is it?

It is... :

In the end,Qunnie and Wilson went to drink Water fall..

After clubing went to Liang Court the mac to slack for few hours.
Then my dad called and fetch me back

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

After work,took bus 132 to Redhill.
Along the way,got tis guy super fit muscular 18 or 19 yr old.
Tanned looking..OMG!!! he super cute with his glasses on.PENG!!!

Went to swim @ Delta Swiming Complex.
Swam alot of laps.
Notice this guy kept on looking at me.

In the end,we chat and exchange number before going home..
HE cute!!! lol..


ya la mama n sarah i know what u going to say..
no need okay haha

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

When to cut hair after work..

Woooooo Looks much nicer now..

31st March 09

DU LAN wit the NaBEIVisor..
Dock my half n hr of my pay..

Cant believe you are married with kids..WTF...

U so stingy like no one business.

Even is someone leave @ 4.58pm instead of 5pm sharp.
You called the person to come back and wait tat FARKIN 2 mins.


Pls la...Nothing to do then go home right.
Tsk Tsk..OLD HAG..

Whole day Du Lan wit tat BH...
Half n hr of my pay is alot okay..

After work,went to Town to pass back the shirt to JK.
4gotten to past to JK yesterday b4 goin hm after the chalet.

Went to eat Soup Spoon again and walk ard Paragon.
Saw This PICARD wallet cost $99 but no discount sia,
Went to Taka saw the wallet again BOOM... 20% discount.

Went to buy as my wallet is like shit now..

From $99 to $79.20.

30th March 09

After work, went out wit JK.
Bought a T Shirt from Fresh IMP..

JK & me bought the same shirt.haha..
Couple huh..

2nd item is 20% off..Woooo..haha lol..
Total bill is $46.

Ate Soup Spoon and saw my 2 friends before going Chalet.

My Lesbian friend Chalet..

Guess what?
I the only guy there and the rest are all girls.

All Jealous of me..those beside the unit.
All the TI KO UNCLES all stare at me sia..

Played games and stuff till 1am then went home KO..

Home Sweet Home..

29th March 09

Went to meet Dickson @ Town area.
Had dinner wit him and his friend whom is a ice skater.

Had dinner @ HK Cafe @ Cine.
After which we went to Paragon to have Dessert.

The Canele

3 of us shared a pathetic one scoop of Nougat Ice Cream.

Took picture as usual...

The price is $8 but after service charge.
Everything is almost to $10.
But over all the taste of the ice cream is:
nice but sweet because got caramel sauce and salt.