Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The person D

There is a person called D.
Liked D for 1 year plus.

Always see him online in fb and sometime chat with him.

Then it was one time @ St James last year.I took pic with him.

Feel so happy to be able to take picture with him.
It feels like heaven and so happy.

And that was year 2008.

During 2009 recently chatted with him again and stuff.
Keep track his fb activities.

He knows i liked him and stuff.

Recently went to KL and bought a gift for him.
But i haven gave it to him yet,as he always busy driving around.
Working as interior designer and have alot of projects.

And that day i called him to meet for lunch tomorrow.
He say see how it goes if i free.

During working i feel like shit.

Went back home after work,took medicine and msg him.
Asking he meeting me tomorrow?
He say not meeting as he is bz and not free to even eat.

Feel so sad... :(

And in twitter this is what he wrote....

is like 1hr after i msg him.

Er.. I hope I dun have to be that straight to tell u sometimes love just cannot be forced ..

his fren comment tis..

Viktor Kong
but sometimes u have to.
sorry but it can't be helped if that person keeps pestering/harassing u.

Jeffrey Yau
who's forcing u to love him/her ?

Eric 龍 制巍
remind him/her how he/she felt when someone whom he/she didn't fancy keeps forcing it. usually works.

Christina Wenya 雯雅
cheer up ok duncan. hugs

Viktor Kong
perhaps that person has lost control.
take one step at a time.
do wat u have to do when the time comes.
i will support u:)

And this is his reply

Duncan Chan
I dint mean bad n I really dun wan to do this but this person is overboard and really pushing my limits ! :(

The moment i see this i feel sad ..... :(

Liked him alot for 1 year plus already... :(

I will not forget his smile and his looks... haiz..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

9 July 09

After work,went to swim at Lower Delta Swimming Pool @6.30pm
While after swiming 3laps,i rest at one corner,and saw this guy.
He looks thai to me kept looking at me,just let him see me.

He is slim and average looking.

And i continue to swim for the next few laps.

On the 10lap,got this another guy trying to catch up with me.

And he looks hot and not bad looking.

I kept winning him in swimming.
I saw his body i was like woooooahhhhh..

Fit sia..faint..on the spot.

Continue to swim till 8.30pm

Went to bath and changed up before going to meet Jason.

When i enter the toilet i sian 1/2 the fukin thai guy still there.
Worst part is he is dressed up already do not want to go off.

WTF Nvm.

Go and bath and changed,opp of me was the guy compete wit me de.
He is handsome and hot looking but is from CHINA!!! argh..DAMN.

He looks hot in Red boxer though haha.

Dressed up saw me outside siting at one side,i walked to the MRT.

Passed $25 bucks to Jason and took train to Tanjong Pagar.
Along the way i saw the China guy again.Lol..
He alighted @ Outram Park.
Then i know where he stay,just behind the old police station @ chinatown.

Went to meet Jonathan @ Play,saw Ed and Kang Yong.
Took chop and waited for Daziree to take her chop.

When to Maxwell and eat Tom Yam Soup Noodle $5 only.
Overall the taste is not bad,abit out sourness.haha.

Went to walk about Amoy street as time still early.
Went back to club,Retro and MJ night.

Play is like Dead Club some more can headcount less then 50 people lor.

After club went back home by cab and KO.

10 July 09

Went to work as usual and sleep and sleep.
And Boom 6pm already.

Went home for dinner before going to play.
After dinner went off to Play.

Sign in 3 person to Taboo and slack inside till 12plus before going Play.
Had great time at Play,after which slack at Maxwell to eat.

Went back home and KO,get ready for the next day.

11 July 09

Slacking at home and it rain like mad.
Wore jacket and umbrella to Play.

Sign 4 person to Tabs and watch Drag show.

The drag show was not bad after all..

Asian Pop is the theme of the drag show.

Went back to Play and Dance the whole night..
Went to Mac @ Chinatown then aircon break down WTF.
Walked to Liang Court de,stayed till 7plus in the morning

Every girl or guy pass by will be bitch about haha.

Then suddenly turn behind saw this mly guy pull his pants down.
The image is so disgusted that we all laughed all the way.

The butt stick to the glass pannel and his butt gt marks de.

TURN OFF...Haha..

Went back home by train and KO.

12 July 09

Going to Zirca later got Drag show again..Woooo...

Thursday, July 09, 2009

8 July 09

Went to work as usual, do work of shifting files to and fro.

During lunch hour,went to Cantoment Police Station.
And exchange pass to go to the reporting room.
Told them my 11b with them.

Went to level 4, they asked for report paper.
I told them that they say just come to Cantoment collect can le.

What i have now is the Q number for today in the room.
In the Lost & Found room are all MALAYS!!!! NVM.

I am not racist.

But what made me fed up was this :

One of the mly guy said in Malay Language saying this:
"Wah this boy must be stupid la just a Q number know what thing."

I was like in my mind,TMD si Giao Tor,.....
Some more all speak in malay language only.
Hey Deh Si Mly,I am CHINESE okay...Speak english.

After that they cant find my 11b,i went off.
They say will contact me soon.

Went off and buy my lunch and chiong back to work.
Passed $50 to Jason for the Air ticket thingy.
Only paid for one way trip only haha.
Going to KL on 23th then back on 25th.
Though the timing is short,but can considered short break for me.

Go back to work,Bitch about the Mly to my colleague.
He laughed all the way for how i bitch..

I told him that i cursed all of them.

Whole family mati,come out from hm kena dog bite.
Out of building kena brick,head spin kena bang by car.
Go hospital kena AIDS frm infection thus,he suffer like hell.
Come out frm hospital kena H1N1 thus back to hospital.
Kena to ICU thus kena all kinds of infection and died.
Died not from infection or anything.
But just sudden die on the spot wit no injuries ect...

KNS...So super du lan.

After wk went to watch Ice Age 3 with Christopher.

The movie is so damn super funny.

More on family,love,friendship that is the main point in the movie.

Out of 5 stars i give it 4 stars.The movie is not bad.
Should go watch it while you can. :)


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Was sleeping the whole day @ work as usual.
Cam whore as usual.
Bored and took pics and pics and pics...

After which go to Ikea with my AJ neighbor friend of mine for 5yrs.


Been ages since to IKEA...

After which went home separated ways.

Discussing of going to KL on 23tis month..hmmm..
Go KL..Woooo.....

Ya,me first time take plane to go oversea...

Laugh for all you want okay.

I poor kid la..tsk tsk...hmm...

Time to save money...

There will be a Gay,Lesbian,Trans,Bi,Str8 BBQ Nite...!!
Held @ East Coast on 28 Aug

Pics pics pics.... : )