There are so many things to know about wines.
Wine knowledge starts more then 100 years ago.
There are Old World Wines and New World Wines.
Old World - 100 years and above.Example - France,Hungary.
New World - Less then 100 years.Example - Australia,Chilean,California.
Wines are made of grapes and different type of grapes have different texture and taste.
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc Smillion
Chardonnay Smillion
Pinot Noir
Cabernet Sauvignon
Drinking red wine helps to circulate blood better just 3 glasses a week is enough.
It said that drinking 3 glasses a day is better then drinking it everyday.
Drinking white wine helps to make you feel refresh and let your memories better and will not let you senile, so on and so forth.
But for both wines, the effect to take place only after 2 or 3 weeks later then it will do either blood circulation or let your brain works.
To know about wines is difficult as i said that every different grapes have different taste and smell.
In Singapore, wines are only 1/50 of what wine knowledge anyone can find.
Cause no matter what, wine knowledge there's no stopping.
1st - Terrior
2nd - Climate
3rd - The vineyard location
4th - What type of grapes
5th - Is it inside a oak barrel or stainless steel container.
6th - The fermentation
7th - How long it been stored
8th - Temperature of wines being stored
9th - Deciding what wines of how being made
10th - How to drink wine - See,Swirl,Smell,Sip,Savour. The 5 S in basic wine knowlege.