Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Day b4 i work in Ck Tang

The Day b4 I Work in Ck Tang (25/10/04)

I was with leisher and xiao Ying.
finding jobs around orchard rd.
We went to Toy Rs and fill our document in.
Left the place came to Ck Tang and asked.
so heng heng 1 kenna a job stright away.
Able to start work 2molo.
Bt xiao Ying cant cus she had 2 go back 2 sch.
Only leisher and i worked together.

Than the next day which is 26/10/04
Met leisher together and go to the Hr Dept together.
Karen shown us everything in Ck Tang n our office.
Than stright away do the decoration of the balls.
At the same time.
We intro ourselves.
As well as the collegues.
They were
I do the manniquinns and leisher do the balls.
Lunch starts at 1pm.

During lunch we chat abt our infro to our collegues.
We chated like siao at the Staff Canteen.
Ordered alot of things and the rice is self service.

Than back to work at 2pm
Do the stuff we did in the morning again..till 6pm
Time to go home.
i accompany Leisher to the bus stop b4 i go home.
While the rest went back by MRT.

When reached home,went online
chat with leisher on MSN till morning.
Than went to sleep and get ready for the next day work.

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