Friday, April 22, 2005

Yesterday was Leisher's birthday....

Bt he dun wan 2 celebrate....

Then nvm....

Wish him happy birthday 2 twice...

1 is at 12 mid another is at 7+


Raymond and i went 2 East Coast again

Cycle around marine parade then back 2 east coast

B4 Going 2 Bugis to jalan then go hm....


2day supposed 2 hv lesson till 5 bt teacher dun wan liao...

hahaha lol......

Then FINALLY......................


Used my hp 2 send mp3 songs over 2 his mum's hp....

So shiok change wit his mum....

Wah kao.............

Later going 2 East Coast again....

It would be 4 days in a row in east coast....

Cycle here and there.....

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Raymond and me....(my another buddy)

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