Monday, November 14, 2005

Went 2 meet Ivan and Azmi at Macperson ITE
From there took 65 to Orchard
2 watch Sky High,the show is fun sia...
Lots of powers sia..wonder can win X Men or nt
Maybe ba..who noes..can win X Men...
Sky High the school is seperate into 3 groups...
Physic,Loser and Hero class...
Physic is for those very average
Loser is for unable to use when needed..
Hero is for power attacks or defence...
One of the powers i liked is lyla's...Cus
Able control the natural plants
Able either make it die or alife or grow it big or small
By just a wave of her hand...
Others i 4gt their name liao...
Able 2 turn into liquid,
Turn into small genie pig,
Able to grow into the dark,
Able 2 throw fire,ice
Able 2 fly
Able 2 make pieces into a machine
(while thinking wat u wanted it to be)
A good show 2 watch...
Watched the show at 4.30pm
The show ended at 6+pm
Then Ivan went hm,Azmi went 2 cut his hair..
I wait for Ricky 2 come 2 chat...
Bt he Idoitic didn't come make me wait for 2hrs
Kao...2hrs alot of things can be done sia...
Dots leh....2hrs of plain stupidility of me...

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