Monday, March 06, 2006

Today have school woke up late...
Purposely de haha lol....
Got PE,also PE nthin 2 do de...
Walked to school,take Pe Attendance
Then go canteen eat,cus just take attendance can liao..

From 9.15am to 10.15am slack lor...
1hr of slacking..keke lol....

Tot of not going for the afternoon lesson...
I wanna go out with my new Bf...Huat Lee..
Bf means best fren...

Then i go for the afternoon lesson lor...
Listen to Huat Lee lor...
Still sleeping haven go update passport...
Siao har,alot of ppl leh..still sleep like a(^@^)
Too lame liao...

After school,walked back home takin my own sweet time
Reached home around 3pm...
Had a bath,then so fast is 4pm liao...

Huat Lee sms me sayin he finished his stuff liao...
So meet him at bugis mac,walked to Cine...
Chatted all the way till there...

Just to watch the show Final Destination3...
It is a good show to watch for sadistic ppl...
The way how they being killed is the BEST!!!

The directer is a smart and sadistic person...
Damn disgusting but nice how they die...
Haha lol...dun say how they die...
Later spoil the show...

There is someone behind you
Look behind you
Turn around
To look at me
Blah Blah Blah..

Hear this song very errie sia...
Scary sia...if watched at midnite..
Scared to death sia...

Lucky watched b4 dinner,if not vomit..
After the show went to eat Yoshinoya...

I wanna complain sia...
There is food,drink but no dessert...
Stupid Wido,cant see the paper correctly har...
There clearly says,food,drink and dessert..
What you give is food and drink...
Then must ask for the 2 dessert for few mins...
(~_~)'" leh....

Went to HMV to find Su Mei for awhile...
Lost weight alot again haha grow and lose...
Together Huat Lee and me walked back home..
Damn fun going out with him...

To Huat Lee...

It is a very strange strange world..
That i able be your Best Friend

Some friends whom we know are
Our friends also...So concidence...

The interests that we have...
Are also the same...

It is concidence that,you would be my fren...
Isn't it strange?

It is concidence that we live nearby...
It is concidence that we work close together...

And lastly

Btw,the sms u sent to me the other day is true..

We dun own e time 2 hv long talks,
We dun hv a chance for more laughs,
But even though our world don't meet,
Always remember that i am your friend for life,

What a nice poem haha lol...

To Huat Lee:Friends Foreva!!!!

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