1. Start Time:
[[ 8.75pm ]]
2. Name:
3. Nickname:
[[ Chaster, Donden, Evildon, Xiiao Don ]]
4. If u were a skittle what color would you be?
[[ Black ]]
5. Chinese Zodiac:
[[ Dragon ]]
6. Zodiac:
[[ Leo ]]
7. Hair color:
[[ Black ]]
8. Eye color:
[[ Black? ]]
9. Height:
[[ 167 ]]
10. Favorite Color:
[[ Blue ]]
11. glasses?
[[ My eye is perfect!!! ]]
12. Braces?
[[ Teeth is perfect ok... ]]
13. Piercing/tattoos?
[[ NOPE ]]
15. Area code
[[ Kiss my ass and I tell u ]]
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Cut your own hair?
[[ YES!!! ]]
18. Did you do something in the past month
that you regret?
[[ Over is over .. wad's the pt o regret now???? ]]
20. Hugged someone who isn't
[[ Of
21. Skipped school?
[[ hahaha .. i m "Innocent" king No La !! ]]
22. Bungee jumped?
[[ No.. ]]
23. Had sex outside?
[[ Asking me if I am cheap?
Think i like open leg business har ]]
24. Dumped someone?
[[ sadly.. Not at the moment.. ]]
25. Been arrested?
[[ emm .. Cant say….. ]]
26. TP'd someone's house?
[[ TresPassing?? No way ... ]]
27. Won something?
[[ Yeah .. ]]
30. Been rejected?
[[ Rejected in wad scenario?? cant rmb anythin.. ]]
31. Been to a funeral?
[[ Yes.. ]]
32. Used a lighter?
[[ Yes .. ]]
33. Been on stage?
[[ Yes.. ]]
34. Season
[[ No Idea.. ]]
35. Food
[[ Salad? Tryin 2 lose weight la.. ]]
36. Ice cream flavour
[[ Choco Chip.. ]]
[[ Eng ]]
38. Person?
[[ Me Myself and i .. ]]
41. Book(s)
[[ duno .. ]]
42. Movie(s)
[[ i wsh i've got time and $$ for more movies.. ]]
43. Song?
[[ alot laaaaaa.. ]]
[[ no such term in my dictionary pls .. ]]
45. State
[[ no comment .. ]]
46. Place
[[ paradise?? ]]
47. Sport to watch:
[[ Wrestling counted, cus can see gals fight each other.. ]]
49. Bands/musicians
[[ maroon 5 ]]
50. Letter(s):
[[ duno .. ]]
51. Restaurant
[[ duno .. ]]
52. Cartoon Character(s)
[[ no comment.. ]]
53. TV Station(s)
[[ Anything that’s interesting lor ]]
54. Name for a son:
[[ Not at the moment. ]]
55. Name for a daughter
[[ Not at the moment ]]
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or Vanilla?
[[ choco pls.. ]]
58. Long relationships or one night stands?
[[ no more lo .. career more impt now by LTR !! ]]
59. Dogs or cats?
[[ dun noe.. ]]
60. Scary movies or comedies?
[[ scary movies .. ]]
61. Short hair or long
[[ both?.. ]]
62. Croutons or bacon bits?:
[[ chicken can ?? ]]
63. Kissing or hugging
[[ with lots of gals I want ? ]]
64. Mexicans
[[ WTF ... ]]
65. School
[[ i miss Outram .. ]]
66. Grass
[[ the one in green lor... ]]
67. Cow
[[ Cow la ... ]]
69. Mouse
[[ Disgusting .. ]]
70. Hands
[[ WTF think of FF har..kao…... ]]
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie?
[[ No ]]
72. Talked on the phone?
[[ Yes ]]
73. Cried
[[ No ]]
74. Threw up?
[[ No ]]
75. Drank a glass of water?
[[ No ]]
76. Done Drugs?
[[ No way .. ]]
77. Read a book or magazine?
[[Sleeping... ]]
78. Watched TV?
[[ Sleeping. ]]
79. Looked in the mirror?
[[ Yes.duh..toilet la... ]]
80. Taken a shower?
[[ Yes.. ]]
81. Taken a picture?
[[ Yes .. ]]
82. Listened to music?
[[ Yes... ]]
83. Kissed someone?
[[ No .. ]]
85. Told someone you liked them
[[ Jasmine..you always be my min min .. ]]
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