Friday, December 01, 2006

Yest do inventry @ Breko.
End wk at 2am.Yawns.

Then i alone go back home.
As i the extra one out cus of hm location.
All West,i only 1 is East lol.

Then got tis cab the gold colour like a real car.
Which is like a family car la.
But the startin fare is $2.8 liao.
Nvm la..i so the "Rich" Muahaha..
@2.8 is nth to me now.Lol..

Kelvin dun try to bomb me hor.
I already Pok Kai liao.

The moment reached home.
Saw sms from Min Min.
Asked me go Airport send Matthew off to China

I was like dots...
Well ok lor since i cant sleep.
Asked my dad fetch us go airport.

Slack ard airport.Then send Matthew off.
After that,min min and me went to Mac eat.
Before going Sendin min min to sch.
Took bus 24 to AMK.

KO in the bus,then stupid bus conductor come.
Spoil my sleep.Gave him my card.
And guess wat card is it?

My POSB card.I was like Pei Sei la.
Gave wrongly.Lol...
Pass the correct 1,check liao then KO again.
Till AMK.Go Arcade play for awhile.

Before took cab send her to sch,while i go hm.
Total bill is $10.Lol..
Along the way home,i KO all the way.
Woke up when i reached to Little India lol.

Now Blogiin lor.

Also got took some pics.of myself and herself.

Here's the pics... :

Me as usual if not who else?

Me again and again..Muahaha

Min Min...Usin moi hp witout flash

Min Min And Me...

Min Min...Usin flash frm my hp.

Must Pose Before Eating?Lol...

Hungry La?

So Unglam lor.Opps..Sorry arh.Lol

Actin cute sei...Opps..

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