Been a long time since i update my blog le..
Lets start from 25 june...
On 25june,book out from camp,felt so bored
So i go in IRC,to find friends.
And i found new fren,and kinda like the person.
Lets Call Him "J"
J send me pic of himself.
Kinda like him,joke here and there in msn.
Then i had to go out,so the next day chat wit him.
Still chatted with him either on phone or msn.
then the feeling is kinda alot of liking him.
27 june go back camp till 30th.
He asked me to go to his birthday party @Play.
Which is on the 5th.
So on the 5thJuly....
i go along to celebrate lor...
we had the feeling of liking each other.
But it is still early to say if really love or wat.
met him @9.30pm went to dance till 4am.
During that whole period of time.
He only spent wit me 15mins of the whole of like..
in 6.5hrs...only 15mins of his time taken by me.
The rest are his frens..
It is okay that treasure fren more.
But no need to be 15mins of the time to entertain me.
Even his friends ask if i am okay or not.
As his frens c me kinda sad and lonely...
Its like kinda sad la..15mins only...
The rest of his friends got more time then me..
Nvm,i gave him a chance.
So the next day which is on sun.
Went to meet him again..
His frien was there wit him playing games.
I dun mind,then he only play games nv entertain me.
Ask his fren to entertain me..Is was like as if...
His fren dating me nt him...Nvm...
Then his fren went home after dinner..
3 of us ate sushi tei as i hv $50 voucher to use.
And as usual,did not chat or do anything during
Our dinner @taka the Sushi Tei...
So we ate and ate..Till the bill is $75++
His fren then went home after that...
Then saw my frens,asking me if i wan to go st james.
Wanted to go de in the end did nt
as he also dun wan to go so did nt go lor.
went home get ready for camp next day lor..
On the 8th which is on tue..
Ask him wat he think of me and stuff..
Tat wud we be together or jus frens..
In the end quarrel and stuff so in the end break up.
Nvm,the main fault does nt lies in me bt in J
I dun mind if u treat frens more important.
But no need to treat yr date in tis kind of manner.
Which will hurt ppl and stuff..
And tats the end of J and me...
Within 1 week what had happend...
And J and me became just normal friends..
and i jus wipe out the love i had for him on tat day.
as there many ppl outside better then him...
On wed 9th.received a msg on my phone
By tis person called AC.
He frm my frenster and he msg me late.
As he is kinda busy during tat week
so he did nt sms me..
I gave him my msn and hp number to contact me.
And true enough he msg me.
Chatted on phone and on msn...
He says that alot of ppl been asking for his hp no
and wan to know him better.
But looks like i got the better advantage muahaha..
Smart enough to live my msn and hp no to him.
Well,on wed and thus chatted on phone and msn..
All the way...till was fri.
Fri to mon i had to be in camp on duty.
But i asked for time off to go out on sat.
So at 7pm on sat nite,on the 12th.
Met my fren T to watch Hellboy 2.
The show is damn nice to watch..
More to love story kinda...
After the movie T went home...
As for me saw my frens at DG
also watched same show as me...
Then my frens the nightrider bus came.
So they all left only me alone..
Sms AC,wat he doing now.
He kinda tired as jus came back frm wk @2am.
Asked if can go meet him.As did nt meet before.
So went to his home..
Which is far lar..Simei ahaha...
Took taxi go there,bill cost $17.70.
Wooooo so the Argh..
Nvm,went to his home.
followed him to go to kitchen.
Lights was off. haha only the hall light on.
hmm.took water frm him..
Treat me really like a guest and feel welcomed..
Hmm even though he tired bt he tried to be a host.
Not bad AC
After givin me the water,suddend turn around.
Wanted to like kiss or hug me
In the end,kiss him lor..haha..
and both of us sort of got together la..
The feelings are more then J..
And AC treat me much more better then J did..
Went to accompany him to do his hmwk.
While huging him frm the side..
Play here and disturb here and there..
It was so nice..tat we kept on kissing dun noe hw long
But i noe is a long
then frm tat day we became together.
He kinda fit,got abs de type..
which is on the 13th,sun july we got together..
My dad sent me back to camp as need be back by 7am.
Took only 12 hr of time off only..
all the while on the way back camp..
AC msg me and msg till i reached camp to sleep.
do duty frm 9am till 5.30pm.While on duty...
Msg AC and called him,haha..miss him...
After duty reached back to my bunk is 6pm.
@7pm went for 2.4km run,then few stomach trainin..
reached back to bunk,went to watch movie.
Ordered MAc,got free cup for the olympic season de..
Got the Archy de...
Hmm after that went to sleep like a pig
Frm 10pm all the to the next day ard 11am..
Muahaha...13hrs of sleep..piggy me..
on the 14th,book out.went home ard 4+pm
slack at home till 6pm then go meet AC.
Went to watched movie,Red Cliff.
the movie damn long la...2.5hrs leh..
But the show is quite good...
After the show is was like 9.30pm?
AC dun watch chinese show hehe..
Now then noe..AC says thing which is funny...
AC:is this a chinese show?
B:Ya a chinese show then...???
AC:my fren ask me to go watch red cliff
Then tell me the he told his fren
he watching movie wit me so ya...
B:dun u noe it is a chinese show?
AC:No i dun noe it is a chinese show..
I tot it is english show as it is called
B:I was like laughing all the way...
Tot eng show cus called Red Cliff..
Muahaha....So funny...hehe...
AC so cute funny...
AC:argh....why chinese show can dun watch?
B:err can dun watch bt must be half n hr before
the show then can change the show...
The show started...So funny...hehe..
I cant forget wat AC told me..
Tot eng show cus called Red Cliff..
Then turn out chinese show..muahaha..
After the movie,went to eat NYDC.
Total bill $60...hmmm...
Ate Red hot chilli pepper pasta
Mush and Ham pasta
NYDC Celebration(dessert of 3 ice cream)
So full after eating..
Went to Sebs home @ Yishun
While AC went back home..
Miss AC alot..hmm...Miss my baby..
AC miss me too..i his dardar..haha lol..
so sweet...
Still dating still..hmmm..
@ yishun gt tis 23yr old teacher
interested in me..
Had lot of trouble wit him..
Damn pissed off wit him..
Kept on sayin i his bf and stuff..
Saying me cute and hot looking..
HELLO!!! i ugly k..
Kao..quarrel wit him for like 45mins la..
OMG!!! tats so long la..
Also nvm,since u called my phone..
can entertain me haha...
Jason,u only want is sex from me..
Think who am i.yr sex slave is it?
Arsehole..Only noe is sex and sex..
Say wat,found alot of cute boys.
But i wan u,u cuter..oh pls..
so outdated la...kao..
I am not 1yr old kid la pls...
Reached To sebs hm still on phone wit jason..
Pissed off..lucky he wan go bath.
Quickly hang up the call..
Played Majong then he called..
Answer and fuck him upside down inside out..
In the end,all the rounds i play in mahjong...
I lost all la...argh.......
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