Sunday, January 23, 2005

School Time table can kill me.
Monday = 5pm can be 4.15pm or 4.30pm
Tuesday = 3.30pm
Wednesday = 3.30pm
Thusday = 5pm can be 4.15pm or 4.30pm
Friday 12pm

Wah kao all so long and late...
My class is the only class...
Which is the end late and the most ppl...

Other classes only hv 1 day of 5pm...
Bt my class have 2 days of 5pm...
SO unfair......

Hate my timetable...
Bt is very slack time table....

SInce i live so near y should i complain...
All my frenz end earlier than me.......
And they can enjoy to rest early or go out early..
Except my class......
Enjoy air con inside only haha lol......

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