Tuesday, December 23, 2008

22th Dec

Felt my phone ringing it was like 2.26pm i was still sleeping.
See the number i do not know,heck care it.
Go back to sleep.Boom,woke up @3plus pm.

Used the laptop,@3.55pm

He msg me

ML:Afternoon,what am i doing now? :)
Replied:Just woke up
ML:Lol,you slept so much.
Replied:got job interview tomorrow @ a hotel.
ML:Good Luck about your interview.

Next moment.
Asked him if he want to meet me tomorrow.
He said chill around alone with laptop.
Told him,if he want to meet me then meet if not never mind.
He said:Dun't say untill like that. Sigh! :)
Then i say if want to meet then meet lor..

Melissa called,asked me about the resume to the hotel thingy.
Asked who called and stuff and what to wear and to do on that day.

@5.15pm,msg ML asking him want to meet me @ bugis
As my best fren,Sarah want to see how he look like in real life.
So asked ML,he said be there before 7.30pm.

Kenneth msg me saying that lucky i ORD as he in camp on
Christmas eve and Christmas that is so sad..muahaha..

@6.30pm reached Bugis,Sarah ended work.
Went to buy bubble tea while waiting for ML to come.
In the end,got stupid stomach ache,must be the pearls..
Sian.So pain..Both of us died of stomach pain.lol..

@7.30pm,ML reached Bugis MOS burger.
Sarah me and ML chatted for a while and have few jokes.
Before around 8plus Sarah went back home for dinner.

ML and i went to walk about Bugis,Sky called.
Had to settle his BGR problem.I as usual the middle man for them.
Settled the problem le..Heng..

Got a nice msg frm a fren,a good night msg kind.

Doctors prescription for you
A cute little smile for breakfast
More laugh for lunch
Lots of happiness for dinner
Doctor's Fee?

An sms whenever you remember me
Good Night!

Nice poem.

Took pics around Esplanade and the Merlion area.

Feel Like Smoking But I Am Not Smoking..Lol..

Esplanade b4 going up to the rooftop

It Just Looks like a Heart Shape..So nice..

The HyperActive Boy..lol...

Me As Usual Ugly..

After that walk towards City Hall MRT went home.

Had so much fun today.
ML is crazy from like from Bugis all the way till reach home.
Hyper Active..lol..So strange..hmmmm....

So happy to spend each day by day with you.

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