For the past 4 years,i was there for you.
I did not shout or say anything bad about you.
I did not scold you or anything that is hurtful that will make you cry.
I did not complain anything at all.
Even if i do not like it,i just say orh okay lor..go lor.
For 4 years,i been going to places that you want to go.
Places that i wish to go,you say dun wan go till sian
Dun way there so many people.
Okay,fine.let you choose the place all the time.
I just quiet all the way,thinking that i do it will make you happy and stuff.
Say meet where,you say meet @ your house then go out.
Okay can everything can can can.
But all i did was i did not voice out anything for the past 4years.
For the past 4 years,i always so called the middleman.
Anything i just do my best to help.
Help as a Friend of cause...
Why i dun just leave you settle the problem yourself.
Because I treated you as my real friend whom i cared and loved for.
All your past relationship,anything crops up i there for you and stuff.
Are there others whom will treat you like this?
Remembered the Harry Porter Stories..
In the end is i helped you de,all the loops and holes i help u.
Think about it,for what i had done for you.
And what had you done for me?
ya,went to your house for dinner and stuff.
Ya..though quite bad to keep go to your house to eat.
But since your mum and you asked me to go.
I go lor.I cant reject,as i dun reject things.
It is bad to reject.
Never mind that you do not like my ex or my dates and stuff.
Cause what you said are true that it will not last which hurt me and stuff.
True that though i like alot of person,but in the end i just fark it.
Do not think of it.
My heart always get hurt.
The first thing you will say...
See Told You.Again.Always get cheated and now got cheated one more time.
How many times must i tell you,not to get cheated and stuff again.
How many times?
Do not this,do not that...
Since you know me for 4 years,you should known what kind of person am i.
Though i am a guy but i am more sentimental like a girl.
Cause why?Because i more soft hearted,i not the kind like.
Oh gone le har..Gone lor..Got new one..Got new grass come out later.
I not that kind.
You should know me well by now,
You remember the MOS burger that incident.
What you said,i just orh orh orh,just keep quiet.
Why i do not wish to quarrel or anything over such matters.
Saw your msg you sent to my hp.
The moment i saw it,i cried badly..
Its like after 4years.ya,totally 4yrs 3months few days.
In the end what i gone is the word "USELESS","REPENT"
Though i know that you are angered by why i always get cheated.
But do you know how much would words hurt a person.
WORDS are always STRONGER then ACTION...
It hurts so badly.
Try to think of it,sudden you just got the msg and what will you do?
I got tried to sms some of my voices which i want to tell you
About my feelings and stuff..
But after typing out finish,i did not send,i just delete it away.
Why did i delete away?
Why did i not send the msg to you at all.
Cause i treat you as my real friend,not a plastic kind of friends?
Of saying HI,BYE that kind you know whom i meant right.
Though you see how tat idiot said to me,i just treat him as a wall.
I do not take it too heart,cus he is worst then me.
Attention Seeker are always like that.
I know you dun like ppl to kena suan or something.
If i can i will give one tight slap across his face and say Screw You..
Well I do not know what to say.I only can say it out here.
I do not want to say it in msn or face to face.
Cause you still my friend no matter what.
4years of friendship, is very difficult to maintain it.
Dun you think so?
4years back Harry Porter stories and stuff..
And Harry cried to me and complain wat you did.
I say oh really..maybe cus of wk and stuff that she pissed off.
I kept findin excuses for you to go through the series.
But in the end all i got after 4yrs is "USELESS & REPENT"
Thats all?
So I Know i am a USELESS & UNREPENT boy.
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